Craig Rosebraugh
Key Player
Former “spokesperson,” Earth Liberation Front; founder, Liberation Collective; proprietor of a vegan bakery in Portland, OR; outspoken defender of ultra-violent environmental criminalsCraig Rosebraugh was the “press officer” for the terrorist Earth Liberation Front (ELF) when PETA gave ELF $1,500. Rosebraugh stepped down from that position in September 2001, after a three-year stint as ELF’s primary public face. A self-described “green anarchist,” Rosebraugh recently completed his Masters degree at the ultra-leftist Institute for Social Ecology, with a thesis entitled “Rethinking Nonviolence: Arguing for the Legitimacy of Armed Struggle.” In March 2003 Rosebraugh put his theories into action by writing an open letter urging fellow radicals to assault U.S, military bases, financial centers and TV networks in a “by any means necessary” effort to counter a war in Iraq.
Rosebraugh claims to have never participated in the crimes for which the ELF issues claims of responsibility, but law enforcement officers and prosecutors aren’t so sure. Search warrants have been issued on more than one occasion for the apartment that he shares with James Leslie Pickering (who took over as ELF “spokesman” when Rosebraugh was subpoenaed).
Rosebraugh has been hauled before numerous Grand Juries, usually refusing to answer questions related to what he knows about the eco-terrorists in his circle of friends. In February 2002 Rosebraugh appeared before a Congressional subcommittee hearing on eco-terror issues. Predictably, he invoked the Fifth Amendment over 50 times, refusing even to acknowledge his name or citizenship. Outside the hearing room, however, Rosebraugh submitted a rambling written statement to Congress, in which he openly hoped that more criminal groups like the ELF, “using similar tactics and strategies,” would “be established to directly focus on… the U.S. government itself.”