Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Donations (Click headers to sort)
Foundation |
Total Donations |
Last Year of Data |
Center for Science in the Public Interest | $25,000 | 2000 |
Environmental Media Services | $672,000 | 2001 |
Environmental Working Group (EWG) | $560,000 | 2000 |
Foundation on Economic Trends | $30,000 | 2000 |
Friends of the Earth | $1,427,500 | 2001 |
Greenpeace | $1,080,000 | 2005 |
Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) | $25 | 1999 |
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy | $2,320,000 | 2005 |
Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement | $90,000 | 2000 |
Natural Resources Defense Council | $1,522,510 | 2002 |
SeaWeb | $410,000 | 2002 |
Sierra Club | $710,000 | 2001 |
Tides Foundation & Tides Center | $2,879,900 | 2005 |
Union of Concerned Scientists | $200,000 | 1997 |
Waterkeeper Alliance | $35,000 | 2001 |
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
437 Madison Avenue
New York NY 10022
437 Madison Avenue
New York NY 10022