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  • New Animal Rights Group, the Wilberforce Institute, Launches to Target Conservatives

    There’s a new animal rights group that launched today called the Wilberforce Institute. Normally, this wouldn’t be news; PETA people form new little groups all the time. But the Wilberforce Institute has a different agenda than most: It’s preaching to people who are politically conservative.  It’s unusual, like a Marxist group preaching to free-market economists. […]

  • Company Seeking to Save the Rhinos Put Out of Business by Humane Society

    After a long campaign, the Humane Society of the United States has succeeded – in making life harder for endangered rhinoceroses.  One of the biggest threats to rhinos today is poaching, with poachers typically seeking to remove and sell their horns on the black market in Asian countries, where horn is considered to have medicinal […]

  • Humane Society Board Gets Luxury Hotel, While Pets Get Little

    In yet another example of how the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) wastes money, we learned that its board of directors is holding its spring meeting at the fancy Fairmont Hotel in Georgetown, the ritzy neighborhood in Washington, D.C. It’s a helpful, if unintentional, contrast with how little the group gives to help […]

  • Is Upside Foods Going Upside Down?

    It’s no secret that the fake meat industry is in the pits. After the IPO of Beyond Meat in 2019, consumers were curious to try the latest iteration of imitation meat. The new plant-based “meat” was supposed to be an upgrade over the cardboard-tasting soy burgers of the past. But consumer interest quickly declined as […]

  • Glass Found in Impossible Burger, Lawsuit Claims

    Imitation meat uses a lot of industrial additives to try to mimic the mouthfeel and taste of natural meat. Titanium dioxide, propylene glycol, disodium inosinate, and copper sulfate can be found in various products. Australia even prohibited Impossible fake nuggets this spring because they contained a banned substance. Now, a new lawsuit alleges one Virginia […]

  • PETA’s 25 Year Anniversary of Killing Pets

    While animal shelters work tirelessly to rescue pets and unite them with loving families, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) kills thousands of cats and dogs. According to the latest government filings, PETA euthanized 2,092 dogs and cats in 2022–its highest killing year since 2014. What’s more, PETA has killed nearly 50,000 animals […]

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About Activist Facts

Activist Facts, a project of the Center for Organizational Research and Education, provides the public and media with in-depth profiles of think tanks, activist groups, and foundations, along with information about the sources of their funding.

Some of these organizations provide a responsible public service. But some, despite their innocent-sounding names, are financial Goliaths that use junk science, intimidation tactics, and even threats of violence to push their radical agendas. We’ve analyzed over 500,000 pages of IRS records to bring you a comprehensive snapshot of where their money comes from, tracking more than $800 million to date.

We also offer valuable information about hundreds of deep-pocketed foundations, activist celebrities, and other key players in the animal rights, “food police,” and eco-terrorism movements.

Learn more about Activist Facts.